Thursday, February 21, 2013

Culture and technology Part 3

  the theoretical basis

       Involvement of the brain in the process of making the game play entertainment game one potential means to develop and practice skills, creativity, concentration and endurance of the human brain. More than that if this is done properly from an early age, allowing a person to have more brain capacity when growing up, and make the person a little easier to understand and enter the world of academic learning and compete and innovate in the world of work.  

        But of course this is necessary for games that have a positive charge and be able to build the character of a man. Therefore, we must be selective in choosing what games should we play. The development of very powerful game and kind of game variety, encourage the creation of some of the games that "do not build" and give more negative impact on the mental development of man. Some of the positive developments in the game and a promising field of labor in the world gaming industry, making various science and methods in the production of entertainment games is one science that should be studied and developed.

        (Http:// ~ rinaldi/Matdis/2006-2007/Makalah/Makalah0607-13.pdf)
Games can produce a large amount of search space. It is fairly large and complex requiring a powerful technique for determining alternative pengekpsplorasian space problems. This technique is known as heuristic and and is a major area of research on AI. Many things are commonly known as intelligence seems to be in heuristic used by humans to solve the problem. (Anita Desiani & Muhammad Arhami, 2006: 8)

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